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Detection of decline in pulmonary function in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease using home monitoring in the Netherlands (DecreaSSc).

A prospective, observational study.

Experiences of systemic sclerosis patients with home monitoring of their pulmonary function.

A qualitative study.

The ABCC-tool, Assessment of the Burden of Chronic Condtions will be implemented in Italy.

The aim is to relieve GP practices in caring for the chronically ill. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the Dutch ABCC-tool for four Chronic Conditions (DM2, Heart Failure, Asthma, COPD) when deployed in GP practices in South Tyrol. Study protocol description. The ABCC-tool is developed by the Caphri Instittute of Maastricht, Netherlands.  


Spirometry@home, experiences in 9 Dutch hospitals

During the Corona pandemic 300+ patients received a handheld Bluetooth® spirometer per postal services. The easy to use software of Gezondheidsmeter showed that home monitoring is very feasible in a regular care setting. 

Drug Rediscovery: thioguanine in IBD

This research shows that thoguanine is a much cheaper alternative to anti-TF-alfa inhibitors. Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases remained in clinical remission without using corticosteroids over a 12-month period on monotherapy thioguanine. 80% of patients continued using thioguanine. Together with positive PGA and quality of life scores, this highlights the efficacy and tolerability of thioguanine in IBD.

Drug Rediscovery: process description registration thioguanine in IBD

Drug rediscovery aimes to rediscover well known drugs to new indications. What hurdles to overcome and why is it useful and necessary? An overview of the registration process of thioguanine in the Netherlands, where Curavista Health collected the data for 2 studies. 

Spirometry@home international

This study measures the change in FVC in patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) using the Spirobank Smart. A large number of international hospitals are collaborating in this. In addition, the outcomes measured with questionnaires (PROMS) are investigated in different subgroups of patients with PF. More information on the study website

Spirometry: independent use by patients

During the Corona pandemic, patients could not come to the hospital for instructions. This study analyses the results of 373 patients, who started completely independently and blew and transmitted lung functions online for a long period of time. Doctors signed patients up, the helpdesk sent spirometers by mail with simple instructions. Telephone instructions were possible. The home measurement results did not differ from regular results. 


Telemonitoring vs Regular Care

The goal of MSmonitor with video consultation that that people with MS gain a better understanding of the individual disease course and more control over their symptoms. This knowledge should increase autonomy and give people more control over their disease and allow them to better interact with healthcare professionals. This makes the consultation more efficient, MS-related problems are detected earlier, multidisciplinary care can be organised earlier, and treatment can be adjusted more quickly. This can have a positive effect on the quality of life for the person with MS and his/her partner and informal carer, thus saving costs of care and the social domain.

Telemonitoring at Post-Covid with lung function home blowing

Six months after discharge from hospital for COVID-19 treatment, lung function and quality of life still improve, but fatigue remains. Home monitoring allows detailed follow-up of patients with COVID-19 with low burden on patients and care.

Simplicity in PROMs

VAS scores correlate with validated PROMs in IPF and are also reproducible. Because VAS scales are so simple, they potentially offer great value in systematic evaluation of disease progression in research and regular care.

Post-Covid Profiling

12% of people reported substantial symptoms after 1 year and were considered post-COVID. The majority (60%) reported an increase in symptoms. In addition, obesity and lack of physical activity seem to be risk factors. No associations were found with gender or age.


High Adherence and Satisfaction: home spirometers

Blowing lung function at home and forwarding it online (home monitoring) is quite feasible in patients with SSc-ILD. There is high adherence and satisfaction. Larger studies are needed to determine whether home triometry can also identify progression of ILD in patients with SSC.

Transmural Collaboration: case manager & PBM

Transmural collaboration can be via the online Personal File (PBM) This development requires more research, due to the high failure rate. A coordinating case manager as a focal point in this personal digital environment could add value. Another possibility is to offer a financial incentive to GPs, specific education and more focus on using the PBM in managing care.

Hybrid Care is Effective

COPD patients are more likely to use the platform in a blended care setting compared to COPD patients who use the eHealth platform independently. Blended care seems essential in adherence to eHealth programmes in COPD, and may subsequently lead to better self-management.


Patient Safety: measuring lung function at home

The experience in ErasmusMC is that home measurement of lung function, symptoms, and side effects is safe for regular care care and clinical trials. At the same time, patients are more involved and it encourages self-management.

Lung Transplantation and Spirometers

Online home monitoring where data are visible directly to professionals (real-time) is possible and reliable after lung transplantation. The result is high patient satisfaction.

RCT Proves: Personalisation via home monitoring is relevant

Results show from this first eHealth RCT in IPF that a comprehensive home monitoring programme does not improve overall quality of life (measured by the K-BILD) but tended to increase psychological well-being. Home monitoring was highly appreciated by patients and medication was adjusted siginificantly more often in the monitoring group.

Patient Empowerment

Patients with MS using the MSmonitor programme with their caregivers for the first time showed no short-term improvement in empowerment in terms of self-efficacy, self-management, autonomy, or participation. The lack of effect was not due to non-use of the programme.

Medication Setting and Use

Patient experiences and satisfaction with medication treatment are quite positive and similar for nintedanib and pirfenidone. Systematic evaluation of patient expectations, experiences and satisfaction with medication can support "co-decision" and medicinal treatment decisions.

Predmeth: efficacy prednisone vs methotextate in pulmonary sarcoidosis

This study should show which treatment is preferred as first-line treatment in patients with pulmonary srcoidosis. Publication of study protocol.


Multiple Devices and Modules Work Well

A comprehensive home monitoring programme (PROMS, lung function at home, Fitbit) is possible and could be used in sarcoidosis research. Home monitoring may also be attractive for regular care, although studies are needed to demonstrate the added value. the potential of home monitoring is to recognise symptom changes early and adjust treatment accordingly. Especially in a heterogeneous disease like sarcoidosis, home monitoring can lead to personalised treatment, increased self-management, and improved quality of life.

Personal Experience in DM2

The Trigger study provides education and support to people with type 2 diabetes. There was a small but clinically irrelevant difference between the groups. The advice is to make programmes more personal and offer them to people who think an app would be useful for them.

COPD Module Scores Good in Comparison

My copd online (COPD module on Curavista Health) scores "green" in this survey of 13 online applications for COPD....


Pain reduction in patients with cancer

By understanding pain patterns, side effects on medication, treatment can be quickly adjusted via online messages and eConsult. This results in a significant reduction in pain within 6 weeks.

Empowerment through combination Disease module and Fitbit

By using the FitBit, the chronically ill experience better health and can better manage their disease.

Personal factors play a role

Personal factors, disease-independent, play an important role in the use of online monitoring programmes in COPD. For expectation management, this factor should be included in implementation in regular care.

Feasible and appreciated, even among the elderly

A home monitoring programme with online lung function bladders, is highly feasible and appreciated by patients with IPF. The real-time changes of FVC and outcomes of PROMs enable personalised care.

How do you design good eHealth?

By involving the patient in the design, the use of IPF-online is well enabled and highly appreciated by patients with IPF.


eHealth: embedding in mainstream care

In patients with asthma and COPD, adherence to the online monitoring programme was found to be significantly longer when the professional was watching.

Can online monitoring in IPF?

Development and applicability of an online monitoring programme with PROMs and progress charts in patients with IPF.



Barriers to implementation of eHealth in COPD

Lack of remuneration for the structural application of eHealth in regular care is a barrier for professionals. For patients, ease of use and feedback from the professional are the most important aspects. 


Online monitoring of patients with MS is possible.

75.5% of patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis complete questionnaires online. This allows monitoring of the effect of the medication. The medication has not been used by the patient before and consists of self-injection at home. 


Therapy adherence improves in patients with MS.

Prior to the Care4MS programme (a combination of online monitoring and telephone counselling), 27% of patients discontinued medication within 12 months. After introduction, this was reduced to 17% in the first 12 months after starting medication.